
Matt 16: 13-20

As Progressive Anglicans we understand God's Love is alive and is imminent within us. We carry God's gift of Salvation with us. The gift is given to all people who acknowledge God including Christians, Jews, Muslims, Sikhs, First Nations and all world groups that acknowledge  one God. This is a surprise to some who think only Christian Puritans are included. This inclusive Saving love of God is for the whole LGBTQX community as well as those conventionally understood as among God's beloved.

The Biblical Gospel message in the synoptic Gospels (Mark, Matthew and Luke) is that Salvation is the gift of God now to those who follow God! We make mistakes but God is ever present.We are called to make a community of Love, loving, forgiving, restoring each other and welcoming more to join. It is "Salvation without borders".

When we attempt to exclude and not work at reconciliation we are out of touch with the true meaning of God's Salvation.