Ministerial Meandering

Pardon? - Granted .

It was always fun to blame Niko, our recently-departed Rhodesian Ridgeback, for all odd noises and strange odours around the house - particularly when guests were invited.  The staged aside of “Niko! - must you?” is usually met with a smile - depending on the toxicity of the escaped gas, in which case the face may have a certain grimace to it, along with a greenish tinge.

Noises - which I confess may emanate from me (I blame my hiatus hernia, which is probably entirely innocent) - I will usually turn upon Niko again, with the admonition, “Niko - I’ve warned you about that before!  Especially in front of guests!”

The poor dog, whilst not always innocent, is always puzzled by such a tone - so a hasty love and reassurance is made to repair any emotional damage before the boy turns completely delinquent.

The asking and granting of pardon for some uncontrollable borborygmi or oral eructation is a very Western etiquette; in Arab states, such attempts to suppress or suffocate a welcome expression of delight and appreciation of a delicious repast would be regarded as not only rude, but absurd.  Let your belch be heard for miles around!  Then sit with a satisfied smile on your face and beam at those around you - though probably not at Aunt Mable.

Granting pardon for some misdemeanour is rather prevalent in the news currently, especially south of the 49th, and in that case (or cases) I rather hope that pardon is not granted.  But with 6 of 9 Supreme Court Justices in the Republican enclave, it seems unlikely that The Orange One will get his comeuppance. 

Justice for some - and not for all - is, and has been for eons, a cause for anger and rebellion.  Injustice, oppression, nepotism, bribery, coercion, intimidation, and tyranny are the tools of despots, dictators, and bullies.  Usually intellectually ‘small’ men, with large hang-ups, and a degree of ego that defines narcissism in its worst form.  But I would council against spending too much time on those people - who are both men and women.  They are poison for our souls.

We have a job to do ourselves, and it is not easy; our job is to ensure that the miasma of decayed truth (lies) and stench of rotting ordure (deceit) does not trickle out from under our clothing or out of our mouths.

Our problem is not that we may do wrong - and will probably continue to do so - but that we try to hide it, for fear of being thought less of.  Let’s face it - we all like to be approved of, we all like to be liked.  But we don’t want people to see what we get up to when the lights go out.  

Have you ever been to a party where they did that on purpose - to see who got up to what, and with whom?  It’s really great fun - until some swine turns the lights back on!

Must we then ask for pardon?  Have we actually done something that is wrong - or just experimental or risky?  Would we have done it if the lights had been on from the start?  Was it the cloak of darkness that gave us courage to sneak a kiss - or even to return one?  Was any offence even given or taken?

Jesus’ gospels emphasize the importance of working in the light so that everyone can see what we do.  But I also remember parts where we are encouraged to not show off, and rather hide our charity, so that it is not seen as bragging in any way.

However, asking pardon is not solely for deeds that may interpreted as wrong-doing; it is also for misunderstanding - which may be of long-standing, and have led to growing resentment and division over many years - and only lately realized.

Such misunderstandings are the cause of endless family feuds and hatred; they may also be the reason for relationship breakdown.  Family feuds may have been founded on a falsehood; relationship breakdown may have started on a wrong assumption in the first place.  

In both cases pardon should be granted - but where one takes that pardon and what is done with it is the subject of a lot more prayer - because returning to the beginning is never possible; one must go forward, and travel on.



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